Uber and Lyft Accidents

Helping victims of rideshare accidents pursue justice
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Uber And Lyft Accidents Attorney In Downingtown & State College, Pennsylvania

Have You Been In An Accident While Taking An Uber Or Lyft?

Nothing can disrupt your peace more than being involved in an accident while using a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft during your leisure time or business trip. If such a situation happens due to a reckless rideshare driver, James Rosato, a seasoned personal injury attorney from Pennsylvania, is here to help. His meticulous approach starts with a comprehensive investigation, accumulating evidence to support your claim. Regardless of whether the fault was on part of your driver or someone else, James will review witness statements, police reports, photographs, and videos to identify the party liable for the accident. Then, he will relentlessly pursue a fair settlement to cover the damages you've incurred. It's crucial to seek legal assistance as quickly as possible post-accident, as not only will the details be clearer in your mind, but you'll also be within the legally designated timeframe for filing your case. To begin the process, reach out to James Rosato today.

Contact Rosato Law Offices to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 610-873-1819

What Makes Rideshare Accident Cases So Complex?

In the realm of the “gig economy,” companies like Uber and Lyft provide a platform for freelance drivers to ferry individuals who need a ride. Since these companies are not conventional taxi services, they neither own the vehicles nor require their drivers to hold a commercial license. Furthermore, most rideshare drivers do not invest in commercial insurance. Regrettably, numerous personal auto insurances do not cover vehicles during rideshare usage. Uber and Lyft do offer some insurance coverage, but the policies come with stringent limitations. Assisting in the realm of rideshare accidents, James Rosato of Pennsylvania has a deep understanding in tackling such intricacies to determine who holds responsibility and to endeavor for rightful compensation for any damages you have faced. Discover your possibilities with an initial consultation with James. Connect with him today!

What Damages Does a Rideshare Accident Settlement Cover?

While receiving medical care for your injuries is of utmost priority, it is equally important that your Uber or Lyft accident compensation covers lost income and any decrease in your quality of life. As such, it becomes crucial for you to thoroughly document your medical expenses, time off work, and any other lifestyle impacts the incident has caused. Maintaining a comprehensive record of how the accident affected your life is vital to ensuring you receive fitting compensation for your injuries. In your initial consultation, James Rosato will discuss various aspects of the legal process to help you understand what you can expect. Feel free to ask questions. James is here to assist you on your journey towards justice. Arrange a consultation with James Rosato today, your dedicated personal injury attorney in Pennsylvania for Uber and Lyft accidents.

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